Money Mindset-Your Relationship with Money

This post is all about MONEY and your relationship with it.

This is so important because your relationship with money is one thing that is going to determine how much money you actually have and receive.

If you don’t have the right mindset about money and you are trying like crazy to attract it, you are only going to do the opposite. PUSH IT AWAY!

Our relationship with money is something that can make us very wealthy, or keep us wishing we had more.

You need to understand. While the physical appearance of money is in paper or metal form, it is truly just energy. The energy we give to the money is the energy we are going to get in return.

If your mindset around money is coming from a place of lack, you are always going to lack money.

Here is an example: I wish I had enough money to retire from my job, but that will never happen so I am doomed to work until I die.

Wow, just saying that made me feel a ton of negative energy.

Another example: I can’t seem to earn enough money from my business so I guess that means I shut down shop and give up.

If you are someone who has this negative way of thinking about money, you are only going to be successful at repelling money.

So how do we change our mindset?

It starts with awareness and our beliefs about money.

I know for me, my beliefs about money started before I was even born because my mother had a horrible mindset around money. As I grew, I grew into that same mindset.

So in this session, we are going to explore your beliefs around money and get it all out on the table so that you can start to shift out of a place of lack and into a place of abundance!

The first thing I want you to do is a short visualization exercise.

This is going to really bring forward what your underlying subconscious thoughts are about money.

So. Get comfortable and relax.

Close your eyes and breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth.

Focus on your breath.

Start to feel the calmness entering your body.

Keep breathing.

Now, I want you to visualize money.

I want you to allow your thoughts around money to come forward.

Don’t fight them.

What thoughts and emotions are you feeling? Are they negative? Are they positive?

Keep breathing.

Now, I want you to picture those negative thoughts and feelings that are actually leaving your body.

A black cloud is releasing into the universe.

When you start to feel empty.

Now start to visualize your life as if you had all the money you desire.

What does that look like?

What does a typical day look like for you?

What clothes are you wearing?

What care are you driving?

What does your home look like?

Now, write down what came up.

What beliefs or feelings came to the surface?

If you have negative, beliefs, be sure to note them because you will be doing some reframing for homework.

Let’s talk a little bit about gratitude.

Next to love, gratitude is the utmost positive energy source you can put out there.

By showing gratitude, you are naturally operating in a higher state of consciousness and are opening up to receive.

There are several ways you can show gratitude for money.

  • Saying thank you to money every time it shows up.
  • Saying thank you for all of the things you have because of money.
  • Write a letter to money expressing gratitude and what it has brought to you and what it will bring to you.

You should practice this gratitude every day, all day. And not just with money because the more you are practicing gratitude, the easier it is for money energy to find you.

Ladies, if you would like to explore this or any other topic around mindset, book a free call with me and let’s get you from where you are to where you want to be.

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