Are You Excited About Your Life?

Today we are going to talk about YOUR life and check-in to see if you are excited about the life you are creating and if you are not, then what needs to happen to make the shift?

I say “creating” because every new day is a blank canvass. You are the artist and the creator of your own life. Nobody else can take that from you. If you don’t have it, it’s because you CHOSE to give it away. Notice I said CHOSE. You had to have made a DECISION to let someone else have control of your life. And NOW is the time to take ACTION and get your power back!

Do you have big dreams?

Most dreams don’t become reality because we miss the most important step. Having an action plan! Action is the only way to turn a dream into a goal. You have to first MAKE A DECISION. Make a decision to pursue that goal or procrastinate. Either way, you made a decision.

Second, you need to COMMIT. Commit to the dream. Commit to the goal. Commit to the people in your life who are going to be with you on this journey. And commit to YOURSELF!


So, what is it that you want to do? What is your #1 dream right now?

Write it down!

Is your dream a big one?

Does it make you a little scared to think about it?

Are you constantly thinking about it or fantasizing about it?

What are your beliefs around it? Both positive and negative.

You may have beliefs that are holding you back because those beliefs are not your truth. Check-in with yourself here and reflect on your self-talk. Reflect on everything you were told growing up. Now is the time to get rid of any belief that no longer serves you.

Do you think you are worthy?

The majority of the women I work with say worthiness is a big obstacle for them. They feel that they are not worthy of their dreams or are not educated enough to even take the step into action. So they don’t.

I am here to tell you that YOU ARE WORTHY! You are totally worthy and deserving of EXTREME wealth, joy, and romance! (Feel free to steal this affirmation because it covers all of the bases, and, it’s a good one!)

Do you think it is attainable?

You will never know unless you try. You must have a belief in yourself!

Be careful with this one. Your EGO is going to have a ton of input because your ego will tell you to be afraid and that no, it will never be attainable. Here’s why…your ego does not want change. Your ego wants you to stay right where you are, comfortable. Comfortable in your sadness. Comfortable in your self-pity. Comfortable in your current situation, whatever it is.

What steps are you taking to get there?

I encourage you to design your life as if it has already happened. Literally write out every detail and feel the excitement brewing. Sit quietly for a while and just envision that life. Every. Single. Detail.

Now, how do you feel in that life?

Write it down. Write down everything you want. Write out the details. Write out your feelings. Good AND bad. 

I say bad because you may even have some negative emotions come up in the process. Some negative self-talk. Remember your friend the Ego? Your ego self telling you it’s not worth it because it will be too hard.

That’s ok.

Sit with these emotions. Give recognition to them. This awareness is going to give you tons of feedback as to why you aren’t already living this life.

The best part of this is creating that awareness because now you know where the work needs to happen to get there!

Do you want to dive deeper and discover where you want to be and how to take action to get there? Book your free 30-Minute breakthrough call today!

Shift Your Mindset and Let Go of Beliefs

Are you struggling with something in your life that is holding you back from moving forward? Do you want to change something about your life but just don’t know how? 

Check your thoughts. 

Are you stuck in a loop of negative self-talk and beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you have big dreams but “something,” tells you that you can’t ever achieve them because you aren’t worthy, you don’t have the experience, you don’t have the money…etc.?

How’s your mindset?

Mindset plays into everything we do or want to do in life. Here is why…Every ACTION is because of a FEELING and every FEELING is because of a THOUGHT you are thinking.

Let me repeat that. Every ACTION is because of a FEELING and every FEELING is because of a THOUGHT you are thinking.

It’s important to watch our thoughts because they:

  • Can send us down a rabbit hole
  • Can send us into the darkest realm of our mind
  • Can cause us anxiety
  • Can cause us to respond to things in a not so nice manner

What we put out to the universe, we get back because THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS! That’s right, manifestation right here. Negative attracts negative, positive attracts positive. Don’t believe me? Reflect on a “bad day”. It all starts when you miss your alarm and it all spirals from there. Chances are you, you are thinking “OMG! Can this day be over already? I just can’t win?” And more bad things keep happening. Now, reflect on a day when your mind was vibrating in a positive light and something goes wrong. You probably shrugged it off and said “It’s ok, I will get through it. It’s just something that happens” and you move on. This time, there is no bad stuff happening because you stopped it in its tracks. I originally discussed this specific example in a prior post Having A Bad Day?

So, what can you do to shift your mindset? First, it starts with awareness. Without awareness of what is, it is next to impossible to identify where the change needs to happen.

Finding awareness includes looking at your beliefs. A belief is an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. It can also be referred to as an agreement. Something that was presented to you and you agreed to it or accepted it. 

Your subconscious is fueled by your beliefs. Your subconscious mind actually creates your reality. Remember, thoughts become things. This has been proven with Quantum Physics. If you have a negative belief about something, then that negative belief will manifest through your subconscious and become your reality.

So how do we go about impregnating our subconscious with the thoughts and images that you WANT because THAT is what will show up in the physical reality of what is called YOUR LIFE? 

Your subconscious mind is READY to receive when your conscious mind is not active. So right before you wake up or right before you fall asleep, that’s when you want to upload or install into your subconscious mind. Our subconscious just records what we put in and then plays back out into our life. So anything you DON’T want that may have been recorded, say when you were a child, is just in there playing back on a loop and hasn’t been taken out and replaced with a new belief.

The next step in shifting your mindset is recognizing your achievements. List out ALL of your achievements, yes, even those little wins because no matter how little, they still brought you that feeling of WINNING!

Next comes gratitude. Having a daily gratitude practice is probably the most important contributor to changing your mindset. Gratitude does not have to just be about the big things in your life. Actually, you should recognize all of the little things throughout your day because it keeps you in heightened awareness and resonating at a higher level within the Universe, which helps fuel the Law of Attraction. (Are you seeing a theme here?)

Now it’s time to talk about affirmations and mantras. I am going to tell you a secret…these only work if you BELIEVE them. Just saying them with zero emotion or feeling attached to them and “going through the motions” is an absolute waste of time. You may as well not even bother. BUT…if you are seeking a FEELING and can tie an affirmation or mantra to it…THAT is gold and when the magic starts to happen and the beliefs that no longer serve you will be replaced.

Finally, changing your mindset will not happen overnight. It takes consistency and practice every single moment of the day. It takes work but the result is so worth it!

I challenge you to sit down and examine your thoughts and beliefs. Make a list of those that no longer serve you and start the process of letting them go. It takes courage to look within ourselves and make a decision to change. Just remember, if you want something, you have to work for it and this is no different. I believe in you.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you would like to dig deeper, click here to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough call with me and let’s get started.

Not ready to take the plunge but want to be inspired, click here to join my free Facebook group Women Taking Action for Change.

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