Perspective vs Mindset

Today I want to talk about perspective vs. mindset.

Let’s first look at what perspective is.

Perspective is the way you see the world around you.

We gain our perspective from our past experiences.

Each person will have their own perspective about things based on past experiences.

Let’s take the idea of building a business during a pandemic.

My perspective is that NOW is the time to start building a business.

This is based on MY past experience of knowing things are hard.

Things will always be hard during difficult times.

But I don’t believe that anyone should shy away from adversity and growth because my truth is that I always succeed even when things are hard and so can you.

Someone else may say now is NOT the time to build a business because their past experience has been that they have tried during hard times and have failed, so they gave up and won’t even try.

Let’s create some awareness around your perspective.

Think about a situation that is happening now.

What is YOUR perspective?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How you feel now and have you felt like this before?
  • What has made you feel this way in the past and how is it affecting you TODAY?

Now, mindset, on the other hand, is what we THINK about what we see.

There are two kinds of mindset.

Fixed and growth.

A fixed mindset is based on thinking you already have all that you need and that is all you are going to get.

A growth mindset is based on the belief that there is always a way to do or get more.

Having a fixed mindset means that you don’t always see different perspectives where, having a growth mindset, you see many perspectives.

Knowing this, what is keeping you from having the mindset you want?

It’s the “what ifs”.

Let’s take the starting a business example.

Someone with a fixed mindset’s “what ifs”

  • What if I don’t make any money?
  • What if I don’t have any clients or customers?
  • What if I go all in and lose everything?
  • What if I fail?

Someone with a growth mindset’s “what ifs”:

  • What if I make enough money to afford everything I need and can quit my j.o.b.?
  • What if I have so many clients or customers that I have to put them on a waiting list?
  • What if I go all in and grow so fast that I have to hire help?
  • What if I succeed?

As you can see, having a fixed mindset really limits your ability to achieve anything.

Now, if you are comfortable with where you are and you don’t have any goals you are trying to reach, having a fixed mindset is fine.

But, also know that if you don’t grow, you will die.

There should always be places in your life where you are aspiring to grow.

But with growth comes change and most people with a fixed mindset fear change.

And that fear is based on the unknown, things that haven’t happened yet.

So much of what we fear is NOT going to happen, and in fact, focusing on so much fear can cause you to manifest it happening.

So be very careful here.

People with a growth mindset embrace fear.

They also embrace failure because they know that when they fail, they GROW!

This is because they fail, pick themselves back up and go again taking what they have learned and applying it to the next time.

They also know that comfort is the casualty of fear and growth so they get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

So I encourage you to take a look at your perspective.

Do you have the mindset you want?

If you have a fixed mindset, where are you going to aspire to grow in your life so that you don’t stay stagnate?

If you have a growth mindset, what are you working on now?

Where are you headed?

If you are looking to start a business, let me know. My 90-Day Courage to Launch program may be a fit for you.

We do a ton of work around mindset so that you can be ready for growth!

As always, if you would like to talk more about this or any other topic, book a call with me.

The link to my calendar is here.

Feeling Stuck

I know that some of you, and probably all of you, have had this “stuck” feeling more than once your life.

Have you ever felt that you couldn’t move forward on a project or a goal because something inside of you was “blocked” or you were feeling some sort of resistance?

How about knowing you wanted a new job but couldn’t figure out the steps to take action?

What about that great big dream you have and you just KNOW it’s supposed to come to fruition but you just keep dreaming and nothing happens?

This is a big one too. You are in a relationship that is going nowhere and you know you need to get out, but something keeps you stuck in your current state.

I want to tell you that “stuck” is NOT the same thing as being present.

Sure, stuck is a place you feel right here, and right now, but it typically has to do with something in your future which makes it totally NOT the same as being present.

I need you to understand that because a lot of you will use the “I am stuck because I am present” excuse so therefore you can’t take action.

Being present means you are not thinking about the past OR the future.

Your focus is in the here and now, for whatever reason.

It could be focusing on a project, your children, your job.

It could be focusing on being present is keeping you from anxiety.

You are stuck because you have convinced yourself that you are unable to move forward due to various reasons…usually excuses.

So, you are stuck.

Here are some other important things you need to know and some questions you should ask yourself:

  1. Feeling stuck is a choice
    1. That’s right, YOU are choosing this. It’s simple, not taking action is a choice.
  2. You are stuck because of your habits and behaviors
    1. What are you doing right now to cause this feeling of being stuck?
    2. What habits do you turn to that are holding you hostage to this feeling?
    3. What needs to change?
  3. You are stuck because you have certain beliefs that are no longer serving you
    1. This is a big one. What lies or limiting beliefs are you telling yourself over and over again that are holding you back?
  4. When you think about your beliefs, are you identifying with them or just “going through the motions” out of habit?
    1. Yes, this one is two-fold because every ACTION is because of a FEELING and every FEELING is because of a THOUGHT you are thinking and all of those thoughts stem from your beliefs

In order to move forward, you need to assess where you are.

You need to get real honest with yourself here and now because change will not happen until you take action.

So think about what it is you want.

What do you need to change to start the ball rolling?

  • Reevaluation of your habits and limiting beliefs is imperative

What are you willing to sacrifice to “unstick” yourself?

  • Sitting for hours in front of the television to binge-watch Tiger King or whatever show you are into is NOT going to get you there.
    • I know this because I was doing just that!
    • It was my way of avoiding the “hard stuff”
    • I would get up having the full intention of working on starting my own business and even time blocked for it.
    • The TV won. I would go to work, come home, pour a glass of wine, and sit in front of the TV.
    • I would reason away that there is always tomorrow and I was allowed to have this time.
    • Pretty soon, that became the norm and the thoughts of starting a business would flutter away and I would succumb to being stuck.
    • I would then sit and try and think about other ways that I could start my business, but not leave the couch. Or my wine.
    • And then the anxiety would set in.
    • I would beat myself up for lack of motivation and actually tell myself that I am stuck here because this was where I was meant to be.
    • I didn’t deserve to have a successful business because I was lazy.
    • It was also affecting my relationship with my husband because I wasn’t present for him.
    • He is not one to sit around much and veg on the TV.
    • And this started causing me anxiety.
    • But I still desperately wanted to start my own business…but now I was completely overwhelmed on how it was going to happen.
    • And then I hired my life coach.
    • She helped me identify what was causing my “stuck” feeling and I had to do some serious work around my limiting beliefs and my habits.
  • Sure, I still watch TV and drink my wine. I LOVE to binge watch my shows. Mostly because I absolutely despise network TV and their ridiculous commercials. 
  • BUT, I make sure that I spend a minimum of 2 hours every day (usually it is 4-6 hours until I start back to work) working on my dreams and goals BEFORE I watch TV. TV is NOT my main focus.
  • I also make sure I make time to sit and talk with my husband every day BEFORE I watch TV. Most nights during the week, we watch together AFTER we talk.
  • When I am working my job full-time and coaching in the evenings, I usually am lucky to get an hour of TV time, and that’s ok because TV will not get me to where I want to be.

Now, I know some of you are going to tell me about how overwhelmed and stressed you are.

You can’t add anything more to your plate, so there is NO WAY you are going to be able to move forward at this time.

I have to call BULLSHIT.

Yes, you may be feeling overwhelmed and stressed. But again, look at why that is.

Are you overwhelmed and stressed at a job you KNOW you need to leave but you are CHOOSING to stay by making the excuse that you just don’t have time to update that resume and get it posted online?

Come on now…do hear how ridiculous that sounds?

This is just an excuse.

You need to just make the choice to find the time.

I don’t care if it is 5 minutes per day or 5 hours per day.

Even just committing to ONE HOUR per day to work toward your goals makes a HUGE difference!

If you are truly wanting to eliminate this stuck feeling from your life, you need to take control of those thoughts and habits and get moving.

Ok, I can totally help you here! If you want to talk more, book a call with me! I would love to hear about your situation and see where I can help.

Click here to book your FREE 30 minute Breakthrough Session!

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