Joy and Happiness

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Happiness is defined as the state of being happy. Happy, feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Based on the definitions, joy and happiness go hand-in-hand.

Now, I ask you, are you creating joy and happiness in your life every day? If not, why? Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to feel joy. Feelings of joy and happiness are contributors to feelings of elation. If you have never had the feeling of elation, you are really missing out. But let’s stick with the basics.

There is nothing in this world as amazing as hearing a baby laugh. The innocence and pure joy they are releasing can make the gloomiest of people stop and smile. A baby’s laugh is contagious. A baby’s laugh is pure. The best part is we all have this within us. We were BORN with it. We just seem to have pushed it down so deep that as we grow older, all of the noise and emotions from our life experiences make it difficult to find. We have allowed the negativity of that noise and self talk take over. I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way!

We can all find our joy and happiness. We just have to CHOOSE to create the joy and happiness we desire. It’s up to us, nobody else. It only takes one step. One thought. One action. For me, sitting on my back porch watching all of the new life around me brings me so much joy. Watching the sun come up and set each day brings me joy. Helping other people create the life they live and love the life they create brings me joy. So, I challenge you…what is one thing that makes you feel joy and happiness? Now tap into that feeling. It doesn’t have to be huge and elaborate. In fact, I find the smallest, simplest things, such as a baby laughing, brings me joy and happiness. When I am resonating in a constant state of joy and happiness, I feel elated.

If you are blessed to have a baby in your world, tap into that baby. If you don’t have ready access to these wonderful, little humans, YouTube a video of a baby laughing! Listen and experience the innocence and the pure joy and happiness that is emitted. Let yourself join in! You deserve it. We all deserve it!

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