You Are Worthy!

Have you ever wanted something so bad but can’t get it because your inner voice tells you that you can’t have it? Do you have desires beyond what you are doing now and don’t feel you can get there? Do you often tell yourself that you don’t deserve it or you are not worthy?

I am sitting here on this beautiful Sunday morning relaxing with my coffee, looking out to all of the openness of the 36 acres we live on, and feeling immense gratitude for the life I am now living. I am grateful for the things I have. But I am even more grateful for the journey that brought me here.

I have always wanted a life, partnered with someone that shares my dreams, someone that can support me and I can support him while we work together for everything we desire. I have always wanted a life that provides a loving and open home that I consider my safe sanctuary, not only for me, but for those I love, to be able to come to during times of need.

I have all of that now and more! It took some time and many lessons over 45 years of life to get here. Why did it take so long? It’s a simple concept. I didn’t believe I deserved it. I wanted it so badly. I tried to get there so many times. When I look back, I can see that I had many things to learn. The most important lesson was learning how to receive and to fully believe that I was worthy of my desires.

I have spent the better part of 20 years working on me and taking the self-help journey. I completely believed and understood the fundamentals, but I was missing one thing in the big picture. One thing that sounds so simple but can be the most difficult to obtain.

Our stories tell us so many things. Some truths, some lies. This is the make up of our beliefs. Sometimes, our truths are buried so far down that the lies start to become our truth, and believing the lies is sometimes easier than finding our truth. We find comfort in the lies because they have been a huge part of what we become and fear holds us back when we try to step out of that comfort, causing us to retreat back to the lies. It’s a vicious cycle, but the cycle can be broken.

When I finally figured it out, I was desperate to figure out a way to change it. I wanted to believe that I am worthy. That I deserved everything that I desired. It wasn’t, and still isn’t easy. But I work at it every day. The next fulfilling desire for me? To be independently wealthy enough to commit the rest of my life to helping others create better versions of themselves and have everything they desire. I know that I will have this, because really, it’s already here. I just have to believe that I deserve it and get ready to receive.

Think about your desires. Think about how you truly feel about them. Now think about all of the thoughts surrounding those desires. Are those thoughts truth or lies? Are you telling yourself that you are deserving and worthy of receiving? Now close your eyes and breath. Visualize your desires. Visualize what your life looks like, as you already have everything you desire. Tap into the feelings. Feel the joy and the happiness surrounding your life. This, my friends, is the first step in receiving. Practice this every day, several times a day. Write about it. Talk about it. Every time a lie surrounding those desires creeps in, immediately visualize your new life. Add some affirmations around your new life, but be sure to say them and write them AS IF THAT LIFE IS ALREADY HERE. This will bring it into the present and fast track you to everything you desire. I believe in you. You are worthy. You deserve everything you desire!


As I was driving into work this morning, I was looking around at my view. It was nice and bright, I was driving west so I could see our beautiful Rocky Mountains, and all around me was country (except for the other drivers with me on the highway) and I got this overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I was grateful for my home, my life, and the beautiful day ahead. A feeling warmth started in the pit of my stomach and traveled through my heart making it feel open and full, and then traveled through the top of my head. I felt calm, peaceful, and present.

I then started to say my affirmations, and remembered an email I received this morning notifying me that I had another connection join one of my business streams. I immediately started to feel grateful again. I was grateful for the connection and I was extremely grateful that I am helping another person save and earn extra money. The feeling started in the pit of my stomach again, but was much faster in reaching the top of my head.

People talk about gratitude all of the time, but I always wonder if they actually FEEL it. I know I have days that I say I am grateful in a sense of “faking it until I make it”, because I may just be having an off day and need something to keep me present, but I know that feeling I am looking for. Today was proof of that. It was a reminder that this beautiful life, no matter where we are, is giving us everything we need, right now.

I practice gratitude every day, throughout the entire day. I not only say/think about what I am grateful for, but slow down and actually FEEL the feelings in my body. From this, I experience feelings of joy and happiness that I know are genuine. I then start to feel love. Love for others, and most of all, love for myself. Could you imagine if everyone on this planet could generate this love? What a different world we would live in.

Practicing gratitude is so simple. Expressing gratitude to others, for others, and for all things in world should be a part of everyone’s daily routines. Resonating at one’s truest, highest self can improve daily life for everyone. Start with the little things. Open your eyes in the morning and say “I am grateful for this day” and then “I am grateful to have a job”. Keep doing that throughout your day and just see what transpires in your body and how your day turns out. Your mood will improve, your energy will improve, and you will feel absolutely wonderful. I challenge you to try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

And as I type this, I realized that I was in such a rush this morning that I walked out the door without my delicious breakfast smoothie…now, I am grateful for the back-up protein shake I have in my drawer for breakfast! Hey, even being grateful for the little things can make a day brighter and lighter!


I started blogging several years back and successfully finished TWO blogs. This was my very first one and I am sharing it with you now because I started to write another blog about CONTROL and thought, why not share this one instead?

This is my first time blogging…that being said, those that know me, know I have a lot to say about things that go on in my life and the lives that surround me.  I don’t claim to be an expert, but I do have some insight to situations and opinions that most people find interesting.  Most of my insight and opinions come from MY life experiences, which, I will eventually share throughout the life of this blog.  I have “coached” friends and family through difficult, trying times and they all can quote me in saying “My door is always open if you need to talk, need advice, or just need a kick in the ass to get moving.  You may not like what I have to say because I will tell you how it is, but my insight just may, at the very least, get you thinking.”

So…my first blog is about control.  In a nutshell, the basic meaning equates to regulating and/or ruling a person and/or a situation.  Now, while you are thinking about the meaning of control, you are also probably trying to figure out what kind of control applies to you and if you are truly “in control”.  Most of you will say to yourselves, I have control.  I can control all situations that I am in.  I can control my spouse and his/her behavior.  I can control my children and their behavior.  And on, and on…but the reality is…YOU HAVE NO CONTROL!  Control is an illusion.  The only “control” you have is over how you REACT to a person, situation, behavior, etc.  And even at that, your reaction falls into the definition of choice.  Example…you may say now “I can CONTROL if my child misbehaves in public”.  If you think about this statement as it is, you know it is untrue.  Now, replace that sentence with “I can choose how to REACT if my child misbehaves in public”.  This is a more realistic statement.  Now, I want you to think about all situations/people that you are trying to control.  Check in with yourself now and connect with how these “control” thoughts make you FEEL.  A little anxious?  A little nervous?  BINGO!  Do you know why?  It’s because…you truly have no control and you are trying to find a way to control whatever it is.

I know many of you reading this are thinking I am full of crap because you have your entire life under control. This is so not true. But…you are free to believe whatever you want, but I would love for you to try, for just one minute, to let that thought process go and see what happens. Take a situation that you think you have control over and replace the thought with, “if this is happening or going to happen, how am I going to respond”.

The topic of control is a big one and I could go on for days siting examples of where it just doesn’t work. I know because I used to be like those of you that think you can control everything, but the more I tried to control, the more out of control I became. I was obsessed with making things just so in every part of my life. The harder I tried, the harder life became for me. One day, I just couldn’t take it anymore and I let go. I decided that I needed to focus on ME and my thoughts and feelings and I soon learned that was the ONLY thing I could really control.

So, for all of you still “controlling” everything, how is your life going? How are people around you responding? Are you where you want to be? Are you surrounded by people that love and support you? And the most important question? Are you happy?

Joy and Happiness

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Happiness is defined as the state of being happy. Happy, feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Based on the definitions, joy and happiness go hand-in-hand.

Now, I ask you, are you creating joy and happiness in your life every day? If not, why? Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to feel joy. Feelings of joy and happiness are contributors to feelings of elation. If you have never had the feeling of elation, you are really missing out. But let’s stick with the basics.

There is nothing in this world as amazing as hearing a baby laugh. The innocence and pure joy they are releasing can make the gloomiest of people stop and smile. A baby’s laugh is contagious. A baby’s laugh is pure. The best part is we all have this within us. We were BORN with it. We just seem to have pushed it down so deep that as we grow older, all of the noise and emotions from our life experiences make it difficult to find. We have allowed the negativity of that noise and self talk take over. I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way!

We can all find our joy and happiness. We just have to CHOOSE to create the joy and happiness we desire. It’s up to us, nobody else. It only takes one step. One thought. One action. For me, sitting on my back porch watching all of the new life around me brings me so much joy. Watching the sun come up and set each day brings me joy. Helping other people create the life they live and love the life they create brings me joy. So, I challenge you…what is one thing that makes you feel joy and happiness? Now tap into that feeling. It doesn’t have to be huge and elaborate. In fact, I find the smallest, simplest things, such as a baby laughing, brings me joy and happiness. When I am resonating in a constant state of joy and happiness, I feel elated.

If you are blessed to have a baby in your world, tap into that baby. If you don’t have ready access to these wonderful, little humans, YouTube a video of a baby laughing! Listen and experience the innocence and the pure joy and happiness that is emitted. Let yourself join in! You deserve it. We all deserve it!

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