Intentional Living

I have always thought that I was living an intentional life. That was until recently. My “intentional life” was taken to a whole new level. I have spent the better part of my adult life on a “self-improvement” journey always striving to be the best version of myself. Of course, life happened all over the place and I would fall back into the not so best version of myself, but I always found my way out of it and back to what I thought WAS the best version of me. Boy, was I wrong. Sure, the best version of me then was always way better than the not so best version of me but I was never quite all the way there. What changed for me?

First of all, I had to reevaluate what it meant to actually live an intentional life. Obviously, what I thought was intentional, was only part of what I needed to do. I found that I was half-assing it at 100%. But hey, some is better than none right? Sure it is, but I soon discovered that is why I always slipped when life happened and that was the time I needed intention most. So, here is what Wikipedia says that intentional living is:
Intentional living: any lifestyle based on an individual or group’s conscious attempts to live according to their values and beliefs. These can include lifestyles based on Religious, Political or Ethical values, as well as Coaching, Personal Transformation, and Leadership Training.

I was only half living according to my values and beliefs. I was only half present in my life journey. Half of my life when “life happened”, was being dictated by how I was reacting to experiences and events while the other half when things were great, was intentional. So how in the world could I make that shift from a reactionary life to an intentional life? I got to work.

In December of 2018, I connected with a life coach and spiritual healer. I firmly believe that the Universe intervened and brought her to me because I was in dire need of some serious guidance. I was at a crossroads. This woman is an amazing person that helped me to figure you what I needed to get rid of so that I could FINALLY live the life that I was meant for. I always knew I was meant for something greater and it revolved around helping people, like me, create their desired life. She helped me to get out of my own way so that I could push through and take ACTION. This woman has become someone very special in my life. She is my guide, my spirit sister, my mentor, my friend and I am eternally grateful for her. What did she do to help me change?

Well, among several things, she re-introduced me to gratitude. I have been saying a gratitude mantra every morning for the past 10 years along with some affirmations but they were all for the big things in life. I was tasked with texting her every single day during my coaching journey one gratitude for that day. A little thing that I could be grateful for. This one thing turned into SEVERAL things throughout the day and I started to notice a shift. My mood changed. I started to become aware of what I was feeling in my body when I would practice saying what I was grateful for. My interactions with those around me changed. What in the world was happening? I had no idea, but I knew I wanted more. I didn’t want it to ever stop. It was strange at first. Almost like a stirring of warm butterflies fluttering in my abdominal area. Then it would move up my body, out to my limbs, and into my heart. I was experiencing, what I now know, as true joy.

I started to feel courage and driven again. I decided to leave my job and look for one that would allow me the time, my time, to work toward what I really wanted to do in this life. In January 2019, I started blogging. In April 2019, I found a new job. In May 2019, I started my Lifestyle and Success Coaching practice. In October 2019, I shifted again to an even deeper intentional life and started certification training so that I could expand my practice and have more tools for my clients.

I also intensified my gratitude practice. On October 1, I joined a challenge led by the best selling author, coach, and motivational speaker Rachel Hollis. It is the Last 90 Days challenge. I was encouraged by someone very close to my heart to participate in this challenge because she knew I loved Rachel Hollis and she had done the challenge before and had gotten so much out of it. So, I committed. I even bought the journal to go along with it. The premise behind the challenge is to gear up for the beginning of the year by being intentional with your goals for the 90 days PRIOR to the end of the year so that when January 1 hits, you are full boar running strong. This is great for me because I normally wait until January 1 before THINKING about what I want my life to look like in the coming year and then I have to spend forever planning on how it will work and then I lose steam and fall right back to where I was…and then have to start over. Again, half-assing it at 100%. This challenge covers everything. Mindset with gratitude, moving your body, drinking water, making healthier food choices, and making time for YOU!  Again, ALL of the things I am so into!

A couple of weeks later, I picked up the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. You may know her from a little ol’ book she wrote some years ago called The Secret, which also became a full feature film (if you haven’t read or seen it, I highly recommend you do so ASAP). Well, The Magic is ALL about…GRATITUDE. 28 days of one gratitude exercise every day to strengthen your practice. Holy hands, I hit the jackpot and it was a great compliment to what I was already doing with the Last 90 Days Challenge. Every morning, I got up and I read that day’s exercise. And then I actually DID what it said to do. Talk about things changing. I was on hyperspeed. The shifts I mentioned before, well, let’s just say I am in a constant state of joy now. If I feel myself starting to slip into any type of low energy, negative thinking, or anxiety, I immediately revert back to what I learned in The Magic and I do one or two exercises until my energy level and my thoughts go back to being positive. Guys, this is the real stuff right here. If you REALLY want to change your life, this is it.

Where am I now? I am thrilled with my life! I am actually LIVING my life on MY terms instead of reacting to everything. I have even turned off ALL push notifications for my social media accounts and scheduled two 30 minute sessions on my calendar for checking my social media. Once in the mid-morning and once in the evening. I answer emails and check text messages once per hour so that I don’t get caught up in filling my day with busy work. The best part for me is my morning routine. It sets me up for success every single day. Here is what it looks like:

5:00-5:15 am-Wake Up and take a few moments before getting out of bed to say a few gratitudes.

5:15-6:15 am Grab my journal and start writing (I am currently using the Start Today Journal-The Last 90 Days and also writing my 10 gratitudes inspired by The Magic)

6:15-7:15 am Get things ready for work, fit in a 30 min workout, and shower and head out the door for work between 8 and 8:15 am

Notice I did not put anything in my morning routine about a phone, tablet, checking email, or any other distraction from ME. I don’t look at my phone (except for using my timer when I work out or to look at a text message from my hubby to tell me the road conditions when the weather is bad) until I get to work. I may or may not use my 30 minutes of allotted social media time. It’s not a big deal anymore. It is not dictating MY life. When you look at your email, social media, or news first thing in the morning, you are starting your day in reaction mode. You are allowing other outside influences to dictate your day. Stop doing that! YOU have control of your day and your life, so take it back!

You have been given one life. Now is the time to figure out if you are living your best life. Are you living your life on your terms or are you letting everything that goes dictate what kind of life you have or desire? Don’t wait on this. Don’t say “I’ll start tomorrow” because there may not be a tomorrow. Start living intentionally NOW and if you need guidance, I am here. I believe in you! I believe you can create your desired life and I believe you should start now.

Joy and Happiness

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Happiness is defined as the state of being happy. Happy, feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Based on the definitions, joy and happiness go hand-in-hand.

Now, I ask you, are you creating joy and happiness in your life every day? If not, why? Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to feel joy. Feelings of joy and happiness are contributors to feelings of elation. If you have never had the feeling of elation, you are really missing out. But let’s stick with the basics.

There is nothing in this world as amazing as hearing a baby laugh. The innocence and pure joy they are releasing can make the gloomiest of people stop and smile. A baby’s laugh is contagious. A baby’s laugh is pure. The best part is we all have this within us. We were BORN with it. We just seem to have pushed it down so deep that as we grow older, all of the noise and emotions from our life experiences make it difficult to find. We have allowed the negativity of that noise and self talk take over. I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way!

We can all find our joy and happiness. We just have to CHOOSE to create the joy and happiness we desire. It’s up to us, nobody else. It only takes one step. One thought. One action. For me, sitting on my back porch watching all of the new life around me brings me so much joy. Watching the sun come up and set each day brings me joy. Helping other people create the life they live and love the life they create brings me joy. So, I challenge you…what is one thing that makes you feel joy and happiness? Now tap into that feeling. It doesn’t have to be huge and elaborate. In fact, I find the smallest, simplest things, such as a baby laughing, brings me joy and happiness. When I am resonating in a constant state of joy and happiness, I feel elated.

If you are blessed to have a baby in your world, tap into that baby. If you don’t have ready access to these wonderful, little humans, YouTube a video of a baby laughing! Listen and experience the innocence and the pure joy and happiness that is emitted. Let yourself join in! You deserve it. We all deserve it!

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