Gratitude: A Powerful Appreciation

When we are very young, we are taught manners. We are taught to say please and thank you. As we get older, the thank you portion of what we were taught starts to take on stronger meaning and feelings around it. As adults, we often say “thank you. I appreciate it.” Again, a stronger message with stronger feelings behind it. An even stronger aspect of this fine manner is gratitude. What is gratitude exactly? According to Merriam-Webster, gratitude is the state of being grateful: THANKFULNESS.

In my world, gratitude is the ultimate in appreciation. It’s not just saying “thank you”. It is all about your energy and feeling around what you are grateful for. Gratitude can and should be expressed regularly for all things. People, places, things, etc. Gratitude affirmations are my favorite. “I am grateful for this life. I am grateful for this beautiful day. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for my coffee!”. The key is to FEEL grateful too. Don’t just say the words (although there is something to be said for “faking it until you make it”). The FEELING behind the words is where all the magic begins. The words alone trigger our brains to cease all thoughts and get present real quick. The FEELING is what is resonated out through God and the Universe. This causes you to be at the highest frequency for receiving.

Living in a state of gratitude also does something magnificent. It puts you in a present state of positivity resonating at your highest level. What in the world does that mean? Well, let’s break it down. A “present state of positivity” means now. Not the past, not the future. NOW. Why is that so magnificent? Because it is impossible for our brain to succumb to any other thoughts other than what we are currently showing gratitude for. Now, “resonating at your highest level” magnifies positive emotions. WHAT??? It’s really quite simple. It’s the Law of Attraction. The positive emotion that you are emitting through gratitude will attract more positive emotion to you. You get what you give. Are you looking for a path to happiness? This is it!

I always tell my clients that you can test this theory (and you WILL be tested). Let your ego run. Let your brain start thinking about the past, about the future. FEEL how your body feels. Are you experiencing anxiety and depression? Are you experiencing dread and fear? Now, turn it around. Find just one thing you are grateful for. Make sure that you are picking something that truly makes you feel joy. Do you love sunrises and sunsets? Go enjoy one and say out loud “I am so grateful for the beautiful sky and loving the calmness I feel.” Are you struggling with your job and having negative thoughts about it? “I am grateful for this job and the money I earn that provides the things I need.” This gratitude practice will immediately stop any negative self-talk or feelings you are experiencing and get you into the present right now! It will also feel good when you are saying them, and who doesn’t want to feel good?

Showing gratitude will also attract things to you that you desire. The key is to use the same “I am” format and attach how you would feel as if it has already happened. Here is my example: “I am grateful that I am a successful Life Coach helping hundreds of people create their desired life. I feel thrilled knowing that I am making a difference!”

So, I challenge you right now to find ten things you can be grateful for. Do this every day! Do this in the morning and do this at night before bed. Say them out loud. Write them down. Feel them every time you practice and watch how things unfold. If you have questions about any of this, please feel free to contact me! I would love to chat about how your gratitude practice is going.


As I was driving into work this morning, I was looking around at my view. It was nice and bright, I was driving west so I could see our beautiful Rocky Mountains, and all around me was country (except for the other drivers with me on the highway) and I got this overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I was grateful for my home, my life, and the beautiful day ahead. A feeling warmth started in the pit of my stomach and traveled through my heart making it feel open and full, and then traveled through the top of my head. I felt calm, peaceful, and present.

I then started to say my affirmations, and remembered an email I received this morning notifying me that I had another connection join one of my business streams. I immediately started to feel grateful again. I was grateful for the connection and I was extremely grateful that I am helping another person save and earn extra money. The feeling started in the pit of my stomach again, but was much faster in reaching the top of my head.

People talk about gratitude all of the time, but I always wonder if they actually FEEL it. I know I have days that I say I am grateful in a sense of “faking it until I make it”, because I may just be having an off day and need something to keep me present, but I know that feeling I am looking for. Today was proof of that. It was a reminder that this beautiful life, no matter where we are, is giving us everything we need, right now.

I practice gratitude every day, throughout the entire day. I not only say/think about what I am grateful for, but slow down and actually FEEL the feelings in my body. From this, I experience feelings of joy and happiness that I know are genuine. I then start to feel love. Love for others, and most of all, love for myself. Could you imagine if everyone on this planet could generate this love? What a different world we would live in.

Practicing gratitude is so simple. Expressing gratitude to others, for others, and for all things in world should be a part of everyone’s daily routines. Resonating at one’s truest, highest self can improve daily life for everyone. Start with the little things. Open your eyes in the morning and say “I am grateful for this day” and then “I am grateful to have a job”. Keep doing that throughout your day and just see what transpires in your body and how your day turns out. Your mood will improve, your energy will improve, and you will feel absolutely wonderful. I challenge you to try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

And as I type this, I realized that I was in such a rush this morning that I walked out the door without my delicious breakfast smoothie…now, I am grateful for the back-up protein shake I have in my drawer for breakfast! Hey, even being grateful for the little things can make a day brighter and lighter!

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