Our Fear Response

Here we are again.

More COVID, more pandemic, more isolation, more uncertainty, more fear.

Are you someone who is succumbing to the fear?

Look at your behavior.

Are you GLUED to the news and can’t get enough?

Are you going beyond your normal stocking up at the store and actually OVER buying things…like toilet paper?

Are you resisting the fact that you need to wear a mask in public and practice social distancing?

Are you short-fused, when that is not normally your response reaction?

How about your money situation…are you worried you don’t have enough?


This is ALL a good indication that you are operating out of FEAR!

Let’s look at how this fear is affecting your life.

You may be procrastinating more.

What goals did you set your sites on and now, they seem unreachable because you have taken to staying glued to your television or other habits that keep you distracted from taking action?

If you experience anxiety, it may be heightened because of all of the uncertainty there is in our world right now and you can’t let go of what if xxx bad happens?

If you were someone who grew up in a world of uncertainty-not enough money, not enough food, not enough jobs, etc.-you may be triggered by the state of the world now.

Let’s look at how this affects your health.

Fear prepares us to react to danger which in turn causes our body to release hormones that:

  • Slow or shut down functions not needed for survival. Things like the digestive system.
  • Sharpen functions that might help us survive (such as eyesight). 
  • Increased and blood flow to muscles so we can respond faster and remove ourselves from the impending danger.
  • Our body also increases the flow of hormones to an area of the brain known as the amygdala to help us focus on the presenting danger and store it in our memory.
  • The brain reacts to signals from the amygdala, hindering rational thinking
  • When in this overactive state, the brain perceives events as negative and remembers them that way, storing them for future reference.
  • The brain stores all the details surrounding the danger—the sights, sounds, odors, time of day, weather, etc.
  • These memories tend to be very long-lasting, and may also be fragmented.
  • The details will act as triggers later and in severe cases causing PTSD

As you can see, fear serves a purpose, however, we are generally responding in a state of fear that can lead to greater, hindering responses and can ultimately affect your health and wellness and cause long-term effects.

So what can you do?

First of all, fear is normal.

Our fear response is designed to keep us safe.

Yes, we are in a pandemic and we all want to be safe, but when we operate out of fear, we are succumbing to responses that aren’t serving us mentally, physically, and emotionally.

2020 has been difficult for everyone.

Everyone has been afraid.

Sit back and look at how the world is responding.

We went from the toilet paper hoarding to stories of people actually hurting each other over wearing a mask or not.


How is that a solution?

This CLEARLY is not rational behavior!

And seeing other people do it is contagious!

No wonder we are struggling!

We want to feel in control and shopping makes us feel more in control.

Trying to control others makes us feel more in control.

When the truth is, we have no control.

The only control we have is how we respond.

So I encourage you:

  • Create some awareness
    • Look at your habits and behaviors-how are you responding to situations?
    • Take a deep breath-are you reacting rationally or are you responding based on someone else’s response?
  • Do things that make you happy-what brings you joy?
    • Make that list now!
  • Stop watching the news!
    • The news is designed to keep us in a fearful state because it increases ratings and gives them stories to report on.
    • Find other reputable sources to obtain the FACTS
  • Maintain a routine
    • This involves creating positive habits that keep you functioning in a higher resonating state which will help keep the fear at bay

I hope that that this helped create some awareness of your fears.

If you are ready to DETOX 2020 and let go of your fears by creating lasting habits and working through the hard stuff, let me know.

I have a 6-week program designed just for you and it starts Monday, January 4th.

We will be eliminating fear, ending self-sabotage and procrastination, creating lasting habits and so much more!

Click here to sign up!

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