Keeping Holiday Stress At A Minimum

Let’s face it Ladies!

Even though our 2020 holidays have been completely different with a lack of in-person engagement due to this pandemic, it doesn’t mean some of you are not carrying all of your “normal” holiday stress as well.

Most of the stress we experience during the holidays is self-imposed.

I know, you probably think I am full of it by saying that, but it is TRUE!

We tend to set ourselves up for failure right out of the gate because of all of the expectations we place on ourselves and others.

This causes stress, anxiety, and even depression.

How many times do you find yourself saying, “I can’t wait for the holidays to be over!”

So what can you do about it so that you can actually ENJOY this time of year instead of dreading it?

Our habits also play a big role in all of this stress because we have created “holiday habits”.

These are habits that show up around the holidays that are really just your normal habits with a little extra.

I am talking about how you respond to what is going on.

What habits do you fall back on during stressful times, especially when there is stress around those expectations?

Let’s create some awareness about your thought process.

What would it FEEL like to say, “I LOVE the holidays because I can sit back and enjoy them stress-free!”

First of all, look at all of the things you “THINK” you need to do.

What self-imposed expectations have you placed on yourself?

Do you:

  • Feel obligated to get EVERYONE in your life a gift?
  • Feel that you must decorate every inch of your home or it won’t be a holiday?
  • Feel that you have to prepare a 7-10 course meal for each holiday?

What are the expectations you are faced with from family and friends?

  • Is EVERYONE expecting a gift from you?
  • Is everyone in your family expecting you to prepare the meals and host the parties?

And what behavior or reaction to those expectations do you have:

  • Break the bank just so that you can meet the expectations of the gift-giving?
  • Kill yourself to get ALL of the decorations up and then DREAD having to put them all away?
  • Exhaust yourself, alone, in the kitchen creating an amazing spread while spending ZERO time enjoying it with your family?

What if, instead, you:

  • NOT getting everyone a gift and breaking your bank in the process.
    • If you still feel compelled, then MAKE something that will be LITTLE investment
  • Only put up the IMPORTANT decorations and as you put them up, reflect on the stories behind each one and share it with your family.
  • Enlist the help of the family by each person making a dish (even if nobody is coming over, you can get the husband and kids involved) AND the clean-up after so that there is more time to spend engaging with them.

Now, look at all of the things that you think HAVE to do.

I am specifically talking holidays here because sometimes, what we think we have to do is not what we have to do at all.

Maybe, those have to do’s can be downgraded, or even eliminated and replaced with something else.

Ask yourself: “what IF I don’t do XYZ?”

And figure out if it is TRULY something you HAVE to do.

That being said, there are some things you CAN do to help keep the stress at bay:


Too many activities, even if they are fun activities, can culminate in too much holiday stress and leave us feeling frazzled, rather than fulfilled.


Too many parties and gift-giving occasions lead people to eat and drink too much. This also causes an increased need for spending, not just on gifts, but also on food and drink! The end result can leave lasting consequences on our health and financial wellness.

Remember, IT’S OK TO SAY NO!!!


It’s essential to be around friends and family (as the pandemic guidelines will allow) but you don’t need to overdose on it.

Small doses spread out can be just as enjoyable and rewarding as one or two HUGE gatherings without the fatigue and over indulgences.

And you don’t have to attend every single one of them!

Stick to your budget and don’t break the bank on gifts!


If you change or even eliminate the expectations, you eliminate the feeling of having to do everything for everyone in your life.

You also need to set boundaries, not only for your friends and family but for yourself.


Stop using the holidays as an excuse for not taking care of you!

Make time for exercise every day, even if it’s a 20-minute walk.

Sit in quiet for at least 30 minutes a day (a hot bath, meditation, yoga, etc.) so that your sympathetic nervous system can have a break!

SAY NO when it is not a resounding YES!

Ladies, life it too short to be stressed, especially around the holidays.

We have enough stress in our lives without creating more.

If you would like more tips and tricks while creating awareness, read my blog post Surviving the Holidays from last December.

And, if you would like to go deeper into how you can make these changes so that you can actually ENJOY the holidays without the stress, let me know!

I would love to continue the conversation with you to see where you are and how to get you to where you want to be.

Chances are, all of these things are not showing up for you JUST around the holidays, they just seem EXTRA this time of year.

Ladies, I can help with that! Just click here and book your FREE 30 minute Breakthrough Call.

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