In my previous post, I mentioned “why” I desire more money in my life. I feel like I need to give you a bit of history as to how my “why” came to be. It starts back to when I was young. Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money. In fact, we were poor. My mother and her beliefs around money inhibited any money coming her way, which, in turn, inhibited it coming my way. When my parents divorced, my brother and I lived full time with our mother, seeing our dad every other weekend. There was a constant battle about her needing the “child support right now” and making me call my dad for it (back then there wasn’t an organized agency that took care of all of that stuff). This was my first real experience with not having money and the difficulty that surrounded getting it.
When I was in the middle of my 8th grade year, I moved in full time with my father. I was never hungry. We always had food to eat. I started to think very differently about Money, but now was in conflict of sorts around it. I knew I wanted it, so, as soon as I was old enough, I started working. I worked mostly full time when I wasn’t in school. I was working hard, just like my father did, and I was learning about how wonderful it was to share my money. But that wasn’t enough. I worked even harder, wanting more, but never quite able to get enough and the conflict around money got worse. I worked harder, but I never could quite grasp why I couldn’t get there.
When I was in mid 20’s, I started reading books about the spiritual connections of people and how to manifest things in life. I started practicing what the books told me, and money started coming to me a bit easier. I decided I wanted to be rich and I wanted to be part of this group of spiritually enlightened group of people that could help others. I felt it so deep inside of me that I wanted to scream it from the roof tops. Then, in walked my negative beliefs (which I am now going to refer to as lies) around Money. I was at a loss on how to get passed it. I was doing everything the books said. Why was it not happening for me?
Fast forward to a few years ago…I started finding that deep desire to help others rise up. It never really left me, but I was only doing minimal around it. I had an opportunity land in my lap and realized quickly that THIS was going to get me there. It was the vehicle I needed. Helping others, making money, helping others make money. OMG!!! How perfect! It started out with a bang. I helped so many…in the beginning. Then, things started fizzling, and once that started, it happened quick. I needed to figure out what was going on with me because I truly believed I was ready. So, I committed the coaching that was being offered from the leaders in the company. This really started opening me up, and things started flooding forward. Then, I made one Facebook post to a group looking for people to help. I was immediately connected to a Success Coach and Energy Healer. I spent the next couple of months working with her on all kinds of things that were buried so deep down, I am not sure I would have been able to access them on my own.
I am grateful that I stuck with it. I am grateful for the coaching and the guidance I have received from the leaders who, may or may not know it, helped me reach deep down inside and start working on the issues that were holding me back. I am grateful for the opportunity that partnered me with another coach that helped me dig deep inside and discover the things that were holding me back. I am still working hard for it today, but I am working through a different lens, using different filters.
Now, my “why”: I believe that everyone should have the ability to earn as much money as they desire and I am here to help them on their journey. There should be no limits in life because of Money. That is why I have made Money my partner so that I can show others how to do the same and financially help where it is needed.
Challenge: come up with your own “why”. Why do you need money? How much do you desire? What will you do with it when you have it? What are you doing now to get there?