You Are Worthy!

Have you ever wanted something so bad but can’t get it because your inner voice tells you that you can’t have it? Do you have desires beyond what you are doing now and don’t feel you can get there? Do you often tell yourself that you don’t deserve it or you are not worthy?

I am sitting here on this beautiful Sunday morning relaxing with my coffee, looking out to all of the openness of the 36 acres we live on, and feeling immense gratitude for the life I am now living. I am grateful for the things I have. But I am even more grateful for the journey that brought me here.

I have always wanted a life, partnered with someone that shares my dreams, someone that can support me and I can support him while we work together for everything we desire. I have always wanted a life that provides a loving and open home that I consider my safe sanctuary, not only for me, but for those I love, to be able to come to during times of need.

I have all of that now and more! It took some time and many lessons over 45 years of life to get here. Why did it take so long? It’s a simple concept. I didn’t believe I deserved it. I wanted it so badly. I tried to get there so many times. When I look back, I can see that I had many things to learn. The most important lesson was learning how to receive and to fully believe that I was worthy of my desires.

I have spent the better part of 20 years working on me and taking the self-help journey. I completely believed and understood the fundamentals, but I was missing one thing in the big picture. One thing that sounds so simple but can be the most difficult to obtain.

Our stories tell us so many things. Some truths, some lies. This is the make up of our beliefs. Sometimes, our truths are buried so far down that the lies start to become our truth, and believing the lies is sometimes easier than finding our truth. We find comfort in the lies because they have been a huge part of what we become and fear holds us back when we try to step out of that comfort, causing us to retreat back to the lies. It’s a vicious cycle, but the cycle can be broken.

When I finally figured it out, I was desperate to figure out a way to change it. I wanted to believe that I am worthy. That I deserved everything that I desired. It wasn’t, and still isn’t easy. But I work at it every day. The next fulfilling desire for me? To be independently wealthy enough to commit the rest of my life to helping others create better versions of themselves and have everything they desire. I know that I will have this, because really, it’s already here. I just have to believe that I deserve it and get ready to receive.

Think about your desires. Think about how you truly feel about them. Now think about all of the thoughts surrounding those desires. Are those thoughts truth or lies? Are you telling yourself that you are deserving and worthy of receiving? Now close your eyes and breath. Visualize your desires. Visualize what your life looks like, as you already have everything you desire. Tap into the feelings. Feel the joy and the happiness surrounding your life. This, my friends, is the first step in receiving. Practice this every day, several times a day. Write about it. Talk about it. Every time a lie surrounding those desires creeps in, immediately visualize your new life. Add some affirmations around your new life, but be sure to say them and write them AS IF THAT LIFE IS ALREADY HERE. This will bring it into the present and fast track you to everything you desire. I believe in you. You are worthy. You deserve everything you desire!


Just a quick note about relationships: Relationships are important. Relationships are necessary. Relationships should also be healthy and based on open trust and communication, although, some relationships can be difficult, even toxic. We deal with all types of relationships every day. The important thing to remember about relationships is to always maintain honesty and respect, not only for others, but for yourself. If you don’t have that, the relationship will never survive.

I was raised in an environment where the only healthy relationships that existed for me were with my father and his side of the family. Unfortunately, I only had time with them every other weekend until I was in 8th grade, but it was enough to establish a base line for my later years when I was FINALLY able to rid myself of toxic relationships and really cherish the ones that serve me. I realized that I needed to let go of expectations and that I cannot control another person’s feelings or reactions. And most importantly, I learned to let go of the toxic relationships that did not serve me. It was difficult to let some of those relationships go, but it was also very empowering.

I have recently done some reflection on my relationships and how I interact with others. I am learning that as I continue to grow in love, my relationships are growing in love too. I can honestly say that I am incredibly blessed to have healthy, successful relationships in my life.

If you find yourself caught up in a difficult relationship or a relationship that isn’t going the way you planned, you need to check in with yourself. Do you have open, honest communication with this person? Do you have expectations of this person that have not been expressed? Do you look to change something about this person? Is the relationship serving you or do you spend more time fighting and trying to find happiness within the relationship?

When you create a relationship with someone, remember that it is two sided, a give and take, so if you want to have a good relationship, you need to nurture that relationship with love, honesty, openness, and communication. We often place all kinds of expectations on the people we have relationships with and those expectations tend to backfire because they are often not communicated to the other person, therefore turning a two way relationship into a one-sided, uphill battle.

One last thing…we were not put on this earth to change people. It is not our job to judge or decide how someone should live. We were put here for a ton of different reasons with a few of them being kindness, acceptance, and love. If a relationship just does not work, walk away and focus all of that energy into something good. Stop wasting your energy on something that will never be. As hard as it is to walk away, it is even harder to stay in an unhealthy relationship. Remember, your relationship will mirror what you are putting into it. If there is no trust, honesty, and love, then chances are, you don’t see those things in yourself. Look inside yourself and take this as an opportunity to focus on you and improve your life. I believe in you!

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